Master dialogues

A series of Master Dialogues for healthcare professionals on the topic of professional performance was organised at the AMC in 2017 and 2018. The idea behind these dialogues was to jointly discuss the three pillars of Professional Performance and ‘get down to the nuts and bolts’:

  1. constant pursuit of excellence
  2. humanistic practice
  3. giving account of performance

Each of the Master Dialogues focused on one of the pillars. In the master dialogues, one Master introduces his or her topic, after which the audience is invited to enter into the dialogue to discuss what it signifies for clinical practice. The dialogues have been recorded and can be watched in full on this site. Click here for a brief summary and here for a very short summary.

We are sorry but most Master lectures were held in Dutch. However, Professor Yvonne Steinert’s excellent lecture is in English!

The Master Dialogue ‘kick off’ took place on April 20th 2018. Prof. Kiki Lombarts introduced the series with her views on the three pillars of professional performance: excellence, humanistic practice and accountability.

Go to the video now.

Prof.dr Jan Kremer talks about patient centered innovations.


Dr Ronnie van Diemen talks about how and to whom giving account of own’s professional performance.

In this lecture Prof. dr. Yvonne Steinert (McGill university, Montreal) introduced her work on professional identity development of both students and faculty. What is professionalism? How to cenceptualise and define it? How to translate it in institutional policies and ( teaching) practices. How do you encourage the development of the desired professioal behaviours?  See the lecture here!

The last Master lecture of 2017 Prof. Carina Hilders, MD, talks about medical leadership.

In 2018, Dr. Marcel Daniëls, cardiologist, sets out the vision of the Dutch Association of Medical Specialists on the medical specialists in 2025.

Dr. Carlo Leget, professor in health care ethics, lectures on the topics of ethics  and spirituality in health care Zorg. See the lecture here !

On May 16th, 2018, Marius Buiting was our guest Master. He talked passionately about ‘Working from patient oriented values. Did you miss it? See the video here.

Prof. dr. Ad Vingerhoets, as the 10th Master in the series, talked about the ‘Power of Tears’. Review here.

Well known in the Netherlands, Machteld Huber, the brain and engine behind Positive Health, took the stage to lecture  the audience on this most important theme.

View or review her performance here!

October 18, 2018. Lucien Engelen.  Radboud REshape Center for Innovation en Global Strategist Digital Health bij consultancybureau Deloitte.View here!

The last Master dialogue in the 2017/2018 series. Former minister of Health and Wellbeing, Ab Klink, challenged the audience to reflect on and discuss how to organise hospital care more efficiently. Watch him here !