Group Performance Scan (GPS)


The GPS evaluates the clinical performance of specialists within a specialist group. The questionnaire can be used by all kinds of specialties. The GPS is a helpful tool to gain insight into i) the perceptions of others (i.e. colleague-specialists, coworkers and management) about the specialist group and ii) the perceptions of the specialist group members themselves. The GPS is divided into four important domains for group performance: communication & coordination, medical care, professionalism and organization & innovation. With the GPS evaluation the specialist group will gain insight in how well they perform and which domains deserve more attention. The Perito Professional Performance platform fully facilitates the web-based data collection and feedback report generation.

A group of high performing individuals does not always equal a high performing team. Excellent collaboration with team members as well as other partners is essential for high quality patient care. In various healthcare systems asking others’ opinion about care provided is part of clinical governance.

To get insight in the performance of the specialist group feedback is needed from those who have a close relationship with the group. Feedback from colleagues and collaborators from within and outside the hospital is instrumental in gaining insight in one’s own performance. The GPS evaluation is questionnaire-based. The questionnaires have been developed in close collaboration with medical specialists. The quality of the questionnaires has been researched by the Professional Performance research group. See our publication here.

All members of the participating specialty group are asked to fill out the GPS questionnaire. Colleague specialists, coworkers (i.e. nurses, PA’s), managers and, if applicable, referring healthcare professionals are also invited to fill out the questionnaire. Completing the questionnaire takes approximately 10 minutes.

Participation in the GPS is completely anonymous for all respondents. The feedback report, which all members of the specialty group receive, contains the number of respondents only and no specific details about the respondents.

At the end of the pre-determined measurement period, all specialist group members receive an evaluation report summarizing the anonymized results of all evaluations.

The GPS is completely web-based. Filling out the questionnaires as well as receiving the final reports is completely automatic. The security of the GPS system is compliant with all safety and privacy requirements.

The GPS questionnaires were all developed in collaboration with medical specialists. The psychometric qualities of the tool have been investigated and published.