Every professional has the drive to become better. Receiving and using feedback is an essential part of this. And yet there is no guarantee that feedback will be ‘converted’ into improved performance. And certainly not if the feedback was negative and requires changes to be made; we know what it means to be human…
Feelings or ideas which can stand in the way of receiving feedback ideally ought to make room for curiosity. Curiosity about yourself, the things you do well and the things which could be done better.
Learning from feedback is a challenge. The research group PP&CC contributes to a better understanding of these challenges by conducting research. Our research also focuses on developing and evaluating interventions which make receiving, processing and using feedback (from colleagues or others) easier, more effective and/or more pleasant. Read more about feedback and improving performance in our publications!
To get the most out of feedback, most doctors need to share and discuss the feedback with colleagues, for example, or a coach. These talks can be one-to-one, as in the case of the IFMS talks, or they can take place in the doctor’s own department or group.
Giving, receiving and discussing feedback is an art. These 12 tips can assist you in getting the most out of your feedback. Before discussing a feedback report, it may be helpful to be aware of possible pitfalls of feedback conversations. We recommend this overview which offers concrete tools to support your conversation.
Guidance can be welcome when accepting feedback and converting it into concrete goals to improve performance.
Group discussions often take place under the leadership or guidance of an expert – a supervisor from your own hospital or someone from outside your own organisation.
The research group PP&CC has no exclusive association with professional supervisors or coaches. As an academic institution, it befits us to have an independent position. There are, however, a number of professionals who are very familiar with the instruments we have developed, who are prepared to contribute ideas for our research into doctors’ functioning and performance and with whom we have built up a good partnership over the years. In other words, professionals who are just as enthusiastic as we are about wanting to create doctors with cool heads and warm hearts. You can read about them on the page entitled ‘our partners’.