The BLiNC (Building Learning climates in the Nursing Context) is a questionnaire that provides insight into the training climate within a workplace or department for nursing trainees and students.


The BLiNC measures learning climate with 51 items divided over 6 aspects of learning, such as atmosphere, supervision and feedback and the role of work supervisors. The BLiNC is a new questionnaire developed on the basis of literature review, evaluation of several already existing questionnaires and (group) interviews with relevant stakeholders (nurses, educators and researchers).

The questionnaire is completed by all learners and trainees in a workplace or department (one list per participant).

Participation in the BLiNC is anonymous. In the evaluation report, only the number of respondents is shown and – if it is a large group – the background of their education. Data such as gender are collected but are used only for research purposes.

Completion of the BLiNC questionnaire is entirely web-based via the Perito platform (log in here). Both completing the questionnaires and receiving the BLiNC learning climate report is automated. One BLiNC report is generated per course. The security of the system meets the strictest security requirements. Understanding the learning climate can be the beginning of reflection, conversation and possibly change.

The learning climate report can be a good starting point for a valuable conversation about the perceived climate in general and all of its reported components. This conversation requires good preparation. Consider in advance, for example, what the desired outcome of the discussion is, what is needed to make the conversation safe for everyone, and who is best to (supervise) the conversation.

The Professional Performance & Compassionate Care (PP&CC) research group has been investigating the learning climate of healthcare professionals for many years. Several studies and dissertations examined the learning climate of physicians. Check out the PP&CC research group’s website for the dissertations of Dr. Milou Silkens and Dr. Alina Smirnova. Dr. Iris Jansen studied the role of nurses in physician training. See the article here.
The PP&CC researchers will also continue to investigate the further development and use of the BLiNC in practice. Of course only to the extent that respondents to the BLiNC give their consent.