Rosa Bogerd


Rosa obtained her master’s degree in Public Administration: Governance of Healthcare Innovation in 2017, and her master’s degree in Philosophy, Bioethics and Health the following year. In November 2019, Rosa started at the PP&CC – research group, where she first supported the project ‘Quality of care and quality of caring: developing a compassion training for physicians’ for a year, and then started her PhD track. Her studies focus on “cultures of wellness” within the medical profession, with specific attention to well-being, professional fulfillment, self-compassion, and compassionate care. Rosa hopes to defend her dissertation in 2025. In 2024, Rosa began teaching Ethics, Law & Humanities at Amsterdam UMC.

Naam – functie
R. (Rosa) Bogerd

Amsterdam UMC
Meibergdreef 9, J3-222
1100 DE, Amsterdam
(020) 566 1272